Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our IUI Journey Part 1

So most of my readers know the entire story of our infertility issues. Long story short- we have issues. Lol.

Today I took the first step in the IUI process.

I went to see Dr. Harper at the fertility clinic. They did an ultrasound. Nothing like checking out your uterus and ovaries up close before 8 am!!! The follicles looked good on my left ovary. Uterus lining was "thin"----> no clue of that is good or bad. On my right ovary I had a "leftover follicle" The nurse asked if I had taken a pregnancy test. "Um...yeah.....5 a month for the past 2 years. Why do you ask? Lol. Of course being on CD 3 already she figured it would move its way on out eventually but the blood sample they took will tell them if it is still "hormonal" clue about all that...all I know is that she said if it WAS still hormonal we would NOT be able to move on. Boo!! I'm suppose to hear back today on the blood work.

I also got a prescription for chlomid. I had to ask her if she realized that our "issue" was not on my end....I don't want to end up with triplets!!!! She said yes and that it would help. Ok.....if I end up with 3 she is totally taking one of them!!!

So now I'm just waiting....which I'm use to by now.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent article discussing all of this:
